
 Close Your Instagram Account!
You've probably heard this already, but if not -- you have only four weeks left to close your Instagram account. If you don't, whatever you've uploaded is theirs to sell...and your family photos may become part of some company's advertising.

Facebook's photo-sharing site Instagram has updated its privacy policy giving it the right to sell users' photos to advertisers without notification.

Unless users delete their Instagram accounts by a deadline of 16 January, they cannot opt out.

The changes also mean Instagram can share information about its users with Facebook, its parent company, as well as other affiliates and advertisers.

It should come as no surprise that Facebook is behind this:

The new policies follow Facebook's record $1bn (£616m; 758 euro) acquisition of Instagram in April.

Facebook's vice-president of global marketing solutions Carolyn Everson earlier this month had said: "Eventually we'll figure out a way to monetise Instagram."

Remember, to Facebook, you're not the customer -- you're the product. Get out of Instagram now, and close your account, if you value your privacy. Or your photos.

Update: Instagram claims that their new terms of service have been misunderstood. I don't buy that; the new terms were quite clear. They've promised "updated language" to clarify the terms. We'll see what they come up with -- but whatever you do, don't wait past the deadline...and be on guard for another attempt like this in six or twelve months. You can't trust these guys.
Brad - Wednesday 19 December 2012 - 15:32:14 - Permalink - Printer Friendly