The Reasonable Woman:

A Guide to Intellectual Survival

by Wendy McElroy

"Though McElroy's book is a benevolent declaration of intellectual independence for women, it is chock-full of humane strategies and useful techniques for everyone.  A manual and resource guide for the critical mind, it stands as a deeply personal and practical testament to efficient thinking."
Chris Matthew Sciabarra, author of Ayn Rand: The Russian Radical
"Here is everything we weren't taught in school about the necessary tools and habits of reasoning, framed for women by a self-educated woman who had to put it all together for herself.  A combination of intellectual consciousness raising, step-by-step analysis, and sheer love of learning that is not just for women only, but of special value to us all."
Joan Kennedy Taylor, author of Reclaiming the Mainstream: Individualist Feminism Rediscovered
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page updated 17 Feb 2001