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10/14/2005 Archived Entry: "Linux Outlook"
Those considering using Linux in their enterprises may find this Information Week report (pdf) interesting. (Hat tip to Groklaw.)
Low cost and the lack of licensing fees are the primary reasons why companies deploy Linux on PCs and servers. However, concern about the vulnerability of Microsoft products is also speeding up Linux adoption. Of the sites using Linux on PCs, 73% are doing so in response to Windows security issues while 69% seek an alternative to Windows. [Emphasis added.]
What does it say about your product -- or your business practices -- if two-thirds of your customers are actively seeking an alternative?
... three quarters of sites expect the number of PC [desktop] licenses for Linux to increase over the next two years. Nearly 90% of companies we surveyed anticipate a jump in server licenses for Linux. No other product comes close to these expectations -- not Windows, Macintosh or Unix.