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05/31/2005 Archived Entry: ""

Movement news: Sean Gaab advises me of two new audio files that have been added to his libertarian UK site...

Sean writes, The first...at the Simon Langton School for Boys in Canterbury, where I put a case for leaving the European Union. I avoided the detailed arguments, as the audience was an A Level Politics class looking for something they could use in their examination. Instead, I spoke about the polycentric nature of European civilisation and its benefits, and I went on to discuss the impossibility of having a liberal or democratic United States of Europe. The mp3 file is here.

The second was a brief interview on BBC Radio Wales, in which I put a case against the Government's identity card plans. There was nothing very elaborate here - just a recitation of the usual case. The mp3 file is here.

The general page for sound files is here.

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