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04/09/2005 Archived Entry: "Tod comments on Brown's article"

Tod comments on David M. Brown's article, posted below. He observes, The "slick" way to do what Mr. Brown suggests, having three computers with identical setups, is to buy three computers with the same hardware. One piece of that hardware should be a tape drive or a removable hard drive. Then use Ghost to copy the harddrive of the of the main machine to the duplicate machines. In this manner, you get a low-level copy of _everything_ and cannot forget anything, since your entire hard drive is copied. (The identical hardware is required because with the low-level copy, drivers and other "stuff" which are motherboard specific are part of the copy.) Most competent businesses with lots of computers use this method to do installs to avoid spending the 8+ hours needed to setup a new computer with that companies configurations and software.

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