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04/07/2005 Archived Entry: "Stromberg on Rothbard"
Joseph Stromberg has an excellent essay entitled "How Murray Rothbard Single-Handedly Brought Down the Saigon Government with Malice Aforethought" that provides invaluable perspective and context for Rothbard's notorious article in which he applauded the fall of the Saigon government in '75. That one article drew more critical backlash than anything else I can remember from his pen. I was a spectator at the time of its publication. By this I mean, I had no axe to grind nor any particular vested interest other than a warm friendship with Murray. I was amazed at the fury directed toward him. Much of it can be attributed to his ongoing and cumulative conflicts with various people who chose this article/issue to vent their spleens. If this essay is indicative of the quality of Stromberg's biography and bibliography of Rothbard, then I can't wait to hold the finished product in my itchy little hands.