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02/06/2005 Archived Entry: "Hans-Hermann Hoppe under PC attack"
A libertarian professor, Hans-Hermann Hoppe of the University of Nevada at Las Vegas needs your support against a politically-correct denial of his freedom of speech which could damage his standing at UNLV. I reproduce, with permission, the alert offered on Stephan Kinsella's personal blog.
Professor Hans-Hermann Hoppe is under attack by the PC police. As suggested by David Beito, all scholars and academics in favor of academic freedom, and all lovers of liberty and Hoppe's supporters are urged to follow Beito's suggestions to help support Hoppe and the cause of academic freedom (related Mises.org blog post).
The gist of the "offending" incident and of Hoppe's subsequent tribulations can be found here in a Las Vegas Review Journal article. Jim Lindgren provides added commentary. The contact information for the university's President Carol C. Harter, Phone: 702-895-3201, Fax: 702-895-1088, harter@ccmail.nevada.edu.