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01/12/2005 Archived Entry: "More on Armstrong Williams"

Here are three appropriate responses to the revelation that Armstrong Williams - the well-known black conservative TV and radio host -- pocketed $240K+ from the Dept. of Education to push the No child Left Behind act.

First, from columnist Michele Malkin, a piece entitled "this Column is Not For Sale." As Malkin states, "There are no shades of gray about this, friends: the Bush Education Department subsidized a prominent minority conservative `journalist' with federal taxpayer dollars to sell black parents on the Teddy Kennedy-inspired No Child Left Behind boondoggle -- a program that represents the largest single expansion in federal education spending since Jimmy Carter created the Education Department." Point of correction: Williams is a commentator, not a journalist. But Malkin's main thrust is correct: Williams has cast a shadow on every conservative media person and, arguably, upon media people in general.

Second, after being dropped by syndicate Tribune Media Services, various papers have also dropped the now self-syndicating Williams.

Third, editorial cartoonists have weighed in: Robert Ariail, Chip Bok; and, Khalil Bendib.

And, then, there are inappropriate responses: for example, from the White House. This from Blue Lemur, "Armstrong Williams, the columnist paid $240,000 by the Bush Administration to surreptitiously promote Bush's "No Child Left Behind Law" remained listed on the White House website as a member of the President's Commission on White House Fellowships as late as Wednesday, RAW STORY has learned."

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