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10/11/2004 Archived Entry: "Doonesbury"

Hugh B. writes, I know you typically link to single pane cartoons in your blog . . .but the October 11 Doonesbury is one you might like to mention while it is still fresh. The link in the comic strip is to a reprint of an Op-Ed article by John Eisenhower pleading with all of us not to vote Republican this particular time and saying why . . . but I believe this has caused so many hits on the Union Leader page today by Doonesbury readers, that the paper may need to shut down its server for a while. Maybe Gerry Trudeau has found a new way to leverage his voice by having his characters refer to URLs. Apologies to those who are clicking on this entry post-Oct. 11. The 'toon should be available by clicking on the archive linked through the calendar on the lower left hand side.

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