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08/14/2004 Archived Entry: "demolishing SCO propaganda"

Some humor to start the day. Long-time readers of McBlog will remember Wendy's posting of the "Switch to Linux" Flash animation, poking good-natured fun at Linux users like me. Well, my sources have finally come through for me, and I have learned that this originated at the Ubergeek site. For our friends who use Macs, I recommend the similarly joshing "Switch Back". And everyone gets ribbed in the hilarious "Intellitoast". (There are several "in" jokes, such as poking fun at "XML" as marketing fluff.)

Speaking of Linux...I've been catching up on my reading of Groklaw and the latest developments in the SCO legal cases. For those who love reason, here's a gem: a point-by-point logical critique of a pro-SCO talk recently given by "industry analyst" Rob Enderle. It's rather long, and it may not be interesting to those who haven't followed the SCO vs. Linux saga... but it's a splendid example both of how propaganda is crafted, and how to demolish it.

Way back during my college logic class, our prof would clip editorials from the local newspaper and assign us to do similar critiques. With an election coming up in the U.S., these are skills all should cultivate. I tip my hat to the "writer, geek, Christian, libertarian, and someday a lawyer" who wrote this piece.


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