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12/01/2003 Archived Entry: "Dilbert"
Cartoon fix for the day: Pat Oliphant's "Can We at Least Discuss This?" that comments on the new Medicare Bill; Dan Wasserman's "Bush's Mood Elevator" on the same topic. And while I'm dishing the toons, I shouldn't forget the classics like Dilbert, which is good to drop into at least once a month to click on the 30-day archive.
I am pleased to report that progress is being made on the wonderful McFarland anthology arguing against a National I.D. that Carl Watner has assembled. (My role in the book is minor tho' Carl has kindly put my name on the cover as "with Wendy McElroy.") The proofs have arrived and the problems have been resolved...so publication may actually occur! Meanwhile, the pace of the French translation of "XXX: A Woman's Right to Pornography" is molasses in a snowstorm.
A brief post today...
Best to all