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08/06/2003 Archived Entry: "Remember RIAA"
Remember to boycott RIAA during August!
Today's crop of cartoons: Chuck Asay's "Democrats and Republicans."; Russmo's "Human Rights"; and, Jack Ohman's "SuperPatriotActMan." Enjoy!
I am pleased to welcome another libertarian blog onto cyberscene...tho' the owner is certainly no stranger to using the Internet to disseminate pro-freedom ideas: Liberty Cap. "This is a weblog of Todd Andrew Barnett's column The Liberty Cap at Liberty For All Online Magazine. It is an extensively detailed journal of Todd's commentaries discussing the issues of the day -- specifically news and politics from an ideologically pure libertarian standpoint."
I just explored a fantastic site on Australian anarchism that includes material on David Andradewhom the site describes as "one of Australia's most remarkable nineteenth century radicals. Way ahead of his time he went against conservative and progressive elements in rejecting white racism, the subordination of women and the destruction of animal and wild life. An anarchist by trade Andrade was involved in a number of endeavours more commonly associated with the social movements of a century later." My knowledge of Andrade comes from his connection with Benajmin Tucker's Liberty (1881-1908), which I mentioned in an essay entitled "LIBERTY'S Connection to Other Publications" which is reprinted in the book *The Debates of Liberty*. To quote from the piece: "Tucker's embrace of international anarchism was also reflected in the many articles Liberty reprinted from foreign journals and in the correspondents who reported on the progress of liberty in their native countries. These correspondents included David Andrade (Australia), Vilfredo Pareto (Italy) and Wordsworth Donisthorpe (England), founder of the Liberty and Property Defense League....David Andrade, Liberty's Australian correspondent, contributed several excellent articles on the progress of radical individualism in Australia. Part of this progress was Andrade's Honesty (1887-1889), an anarchist periodical from Melbourne. This twelve-page monthly was published by the Cooperative Publishing Company at 85 cents per year. Liberty was its role model; Honesty's advertisement proclaimed: 'It is sufficient description of Honesty's principles to say that they are substantially the same as those championed by Liberty in America.' Honesty listed Tucker's name and address for subscriptions." The Australian site includes a transcript of Andrade's An Anarchist Plan of Campaign.
Sam -- our German Shepherd who is recovering from extensive surgery -- is doing very well. In fact, I have to remind myself of how "delicate" he still is because the little guy (all 100+ lbs of him) is bounding up and down the stairs, jumping onto the couch and bed...determined to be by Brad's side whenever that man goes. Sam's complicated schedule of drugs helps me take the recovery seriously because each day I have to administer a series of three medications at six different times in the correct sequence.
Best to all,