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03/17/2003 Archived Entry: "Weapons of Moose Distraction"

On the Political Front:

Found out. "President George Bush announced that his administration has found 'clear and compelling evidence' of a banned weapons program in neighbouring Canada." It was only a matter of time.

This is a nice and unhyperbolic statement debunking the major arguments for war. It won't help prevent Bush's crusade for legacy -- a/k/a the invasion of Iraq -- but every word written or spoken against the war adds to the collective weight of sanity and compassion that *will* dramatically effect how war and peace are pursued. H*ll...the "words" of those who will not be blinded by appeals to patriotism or military glory have actually made CNN discuss the faking of documents used to argue for war. Amazing. They actually acknowledged that something was faked.

On the Personal Front:

I have been sitting at my computer, with Brad sleeping upstairs, and all I can think about is how much I love my husband and my life. Today was a harbinger of Spring. Brad and I sat out on the deck with our respective books and read for an hour...the sun on our faces, the dogs padding back and forth, the cats stalking our bird feeders. It was perfect. The stream that runs about 100 feet from our house was flush and the neighbor's dogs were barking a challenge to our own reprobates, chickadees were thick as thieves, the night-prowling racoons were nowhere to be seen (God, I hate that family of pet-attacking racoons!)...but our one hour on the deck was perfect.

I think tomorrow/today may bring war. But I am going to sleep thinking of Spring, not death. I am going to sleep beside my husband.

Best to all,

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