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02/01/2003 Archived Entry: "FLOTUS"

A blog reader reproves me. I referred to Laura Bush as the "POTUS-spouse" when I should have called her the FLOTUS -- First Lady Of The United States. I sit corrected.

Now on to the Political Front....

According to the Washington Times, "A classified document [NSPD 17] signed by President Bush [on September 14th] specifically allows for the use of nuclear weapons in response to biological or chemical attacks..." It is now official policy that the United States will actively consider "the nuclear option" in a military conflict with a nation that does not pose a nuclear threat. The military has undoubtedly prepared the option for the POTUS to use on short order should he deem it appropriate. God help us all.

"Law enforcement officials across the country will soon have access to a database of 50 million overseas applications for United States visas, including the photographs of 20 million applicants." The database is maintained by the State Department and provides personal information like the applicant's home address, date of birth and passport number, and the names of relatives. A senior Justice official comments, "It's not just useful for terrorism. It's drug trafficking, money laundering, a variety of frauds, not to mention domestic crimes." The US government is using terrorism as the cover story for monitoring every dollar, each transaction of as many people as possible.

It makes you want to applaud the INS manager who eliminated his work backlog by shredding as many as 90,000 documents, including American and foreign passports, applications for asylum, birth certificates and other documents supporting applications for citizenship, visas and work permits.

Perhaps America's "foreigner" problem will solve itself as fewer people seek to enter or stay. Canada just instituted a new border policy regarding the flood of Pakistanis who are fleeing the US even tho' they are in America legally. Canada will now turn them away. The fleeing Pakistanis have been panicked by the February 21st deadline to register with the INS; stories have circulated of foreigners who complied in good faith but nevertheless were detained for months on minor technical violations, then deported without their children.

My best to all,

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