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01/02/2003 Archived Entry: "The second day of 2003"
Privacy Watch:
Starting today, the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service requires all commercial airlines to submit detailed passenger manifests before planes arrive in or depart from the United States.
The information includes complete name and date of birth, citizenship, sex, passport number and country of issue, and information on their U.S. visas or alien-registration number as well as an address in the United States. Perhaps the ensuing delays will give airport security more time to exercise their new-found "right" -- namely, to rifle your bags without your presence. Owners will be allowed to file complaints on items "gone missing" after security searches. Boycott air travel!
Ifeminists.com... It is still being dragged out by bureaucracy which is throwing up road blocks not being introduced regarding other channels of Free-Market.Net.
Onto a day of writing and editing. I learned long ago that my "career" and emotional well-being depend on getting up every morning, working hard, living honestly, and going back to bed beside Brad every night. Others things are outside of my control.